The term fashion is usually associated with Women but that’s a fair myth as most of the designer, brands create products equally for men’s too. Men can carry such stylish handbags in same manner as women as these handbags cover the needs of men.
Louis Vuitton Naxos Doctor handbags are really cool products for men which come from very popular designer brands Louis Vuitton who are a real rage in fashion world. Built from extremely soft Naxos leather with cotton lining these handbags are real value for money. Moreover, it also features double zipper closure and removable ID tag and coming in classic men’s colors, bleu marine and taupe.
As to its function, measuring at 24.8″ x 10.2″ x 10.6″, it provides a large space for the users, perfect for business and travel. Two interior plat pockets and one zipper pocket are designed for the phone, business card, keys ect. It can be hand-held with comfortable rounded leather handles.
Louis Vuitton handbags are known not only for style and fashion but also for they have lots of space to carry favorite items when out. So, if you are waiting and thinking that handbags are only for women’s then it’s time to buy Louis Vuitton designer handbags.
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