Selasa, 01 November 2011

6 Tips To Check The Authenticity Of Designer Handbags

Replica handbags are faux handbags which look almost same but cost less than 50-60% of the original price of designer handbags.

Everybody who thinks or acts trendy has got to be in the midst of fashion and fads. There is no denying that. As much as clothes speak a language the accessories that accompany your clothing like the bags you use, foot wear, underwear, key chains, watches, eye wear also can speak loads about how fashion conscious you are. While men have always been intrigued and fascinated with the secret contents of a woman’s handbag, women find it the perfect companion to hold their cosmetic collections and utilities, while some use it to hide their dirty little secrets.

A causal shopper for lipstick or eye shade is bombarded with options and ideas that confusion is what prevails over the choice of colors, shades and textures. More over, its trends and life are so very temporal what is ‘in’ today won’t be long before it’s ‘out,’ giving way to a new ‘in.’ Yet there is no underestimating the power of the fashion conscious buyer of eyeliner or haute couture dinner wear or the producer of the Louis Vuitton leather hand bag or its exact replica handbags maker.

The woman’s toiletry bag, is without doubt, expected to be trendy, labeled and must cost the moon and two other planetsFashion enthusiasts buy designer handbags at very high price because of handbags quality, style and brand name. This has led to an era where lots of faux and replica handbags are floating in the market. Fashion industry is trying to fight hard but their efforts are going into vain. Popular handbags of Gucci, Bagallini, Louis Vuitton and Armai are in huge demand and those who can’t afford them due to high cost always go for replica handbags which look exactly the same but made up of cheap material to minimize the cost. If you are paying huge sum to buy a authentic designer handbags how will you determine whether the handbags is authentic or just a fake replica?

However, there is very little you can do to spot the originality of such designer handbags but there few features which distinguish from faux or replica handbags from authentic designer handbags.

Cost of authentic handbags is much more than the replica handbags. Nobody can offer you Gucci handbags for $40 so this cost factor is the main thing in determining authenticity. Material used in the authentic bags is very good. Most of the stitches are very neatly sewed up and the logo is generally engraved and not printed.
You will hardly find any scratches on the hardware. If you look at the hardware you will find a plastic cover over all hardware. This is also a factor to look for.

Designer handbags always come with authenticity card which has the manufacturer’s logo of the product you intend to buy.

You will find a serial number over these designer handbags on most of the big series. If you look at the inside you will see a serial number printed on the pocket.

You will also see serial number printed on the fabric also but not in many designer handbags.

Evaluate the fabric used for designer handbags. Typically, fake replicas can be detected merely by a touch but it’s not something you should rely on.

I would love to hear your experiences of buying and detecting the authenticity of a designer handbags. Please leave me a comment and share your experiences of spotting authenticity of designer handbags.combined. In today’s world, hand bad, shoulder bag or clutch bag, Louis Vuitton clearly defines what fashion stands for. And when the best celebrities in the world carry their Louis Vuitton clutch bags to the Oscars, we their fans like to imitate them at our local parties, how big or small.

But not all of us can afford to buy such expensive brands such as Louis Vuitton. Well! If it is worth it, is not fashionable to discuss now. As much as we would like to imitate our favorite celebrities we can also imitate their products because there are expensive looking exact replica handbags of your favorite ‘rich and famous’ brands and that too at really cheap prices.

Please leave me a comment and let me know what do you think about these replica handbags.

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